Tuesday, 23 May 2017


EQAO...and no spelling homework!

Students will write the first part of the EQAO test tomorrow morning 9:20-10:50. This will continue each morning with June 1st being the last day. We will not write the EQAO test this Thursday because it is a significant faith day on the school calendar. Spelling homework will be cancelled during the EQAO test to promote relaxation each night. Students are now required to read for 30 minutes each night as their homework. Here are some other tips that will help students feel prepared for the test:

-get to bed early and have a good night's sleep
-eat a nutritious breakfast
-walk to school if possible
-bring a reusable water bottle
-bring extra snacks

Palooza Basket

Our class is working together to create a big basket to be raffled off for Hansen Palooza. Our theme is BBQ! We are looking for any donations to be part of our basket by June 1st! So far we only have two donations! Thank you for your support. If you have any questions please ask.

Some possible items to send in are:
-BBQ sauces and spice rubs
-Oven mitts
-BBQ cookbook
-BBQ utensils
-cash to put towards a larger purchase for the basket 

Clothes for Salvation Army

Our class is collecting clothes to be donated to the Salvation Army. This is a great time of year to go through your closet and send in anything you do not wear anymore! Thank you for supporting this!


We learned a new math game called Pig today. This game is great for building those mental math skills! Students are encouraged to teach the game to their families at home.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Quick May Update

We will be having a Show What You Know on Monday, May 15th for 2D Geometry. Students have taken home their math workbooks for practice (pages 54-55, 56-57, 58-59, 60-61) . Students may wish to bring home their vocabulary sheets tomorrow to review over the weekend.

Tomorrow we apply all of our new knowledge about forces to create a marble run in our classroom! Students will, plan, create, and test all afternoon. I have asked students to bring in anything that they feel might help with construction (paper towel rolls, other cardboard. etc.) Stay tuned for pictures!

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

May Calendar and Newsletter

My apologies! The May Calendar and Newsletter are still on my desk! We will make sure that those get home to you tomorrow. Until then, please note :

  • Parent Council meets in the Learning Commons tonight at 7:00. 
  • Tomorrow is Walk to School Wednesday 
  • Annie tickets are still available for tomorrow night's show and Thursday night's show. Please order tickets in advance. * If you have lost the form, but still want tickets please just write a note to me requesting the number of tickets you would like, and if you wish to attend the May 3rd, or May 4th show.