

Building a strong reading life is one of the most important and fun parts of Grade 2!

This year, your child will be involved in many whole class, small group, and individual lessons and activities that will help him/her to improve as a reader. It is also crucial that your son or daughter reads at home for at least 15 minutes every night.

Reading Logs

Reading Logs are tools used for readers to track reading progress, look for reading patterns, and feel a sense of accomplishment for hard work and dedication. 

Every Monday students will have a yellow reading log page stapled into their agendas. After reading on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights, students are asked to write down the title of the book and the number of pages that they read. Mrs. Gibbs will check these Reading Logs on Fridays. 

If your son or daughter is unable to complete their reading homework due to illness, event, etc. please write a note in the agenda to let Mrs. Gibbs know. 

**There is a space for a Friday entry on the Reading Log but it is optional as sometimes Friday nights can be busy!

Levelled Readers
To ensure that your child has reading material available at home at his/her level, our class will be visiting the library to exchange our books every Day 3. Students will be taking one or two levelled readers (depending on availability) to practice skills and strategies while at home. The levelled book should be an easy level for your child so that he/she can read it independently while still building his/her vocabulary and fluency.

Additional Reading
To help your child build vocabulary, learn new things, and develop a love for reading, students will also take a picture book, chapter book, non-fiction book, graphic novel, etc. home for the week. These books can be read with family members or read independently.


Students will have math homework each week. The homework will be handed out on each Wednesday and is due on Friday. 

The purpose of this homework is for students to consolidate and practise skills learned in class. Students should be able to complete this work independently as it is a  review. If your child is experiencing difficulty with completing the weekly math homework, please let Mrs. Gibbs know. 

Family Journals

Students will write a reflection about their week on most Fridays. They are instructed to bring this writing home and share it with a family member. Family members may choose to write a letter in response to the Friday Journal. This is completely voluntary. It is important to note that some weeks we will not write a Friday Journal. Please check the agenda to see if Friday Journals have been sent home. 

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