Tuesday 13 December 2016

Math Update

This week we are learning about money in math class! We have been learning about how coins and bills are related: For example students have been using play money and trying out strategies to solve problems like this:

4 quarters= ______dimes

1 toonie=_______nickels

Two 5 dollar bills=______toonies

We have also been learning about strategies that help us estimate and count money.

Estimating Money:
-look for big coins or bills first (loonies, toonies)
-look for quarters and think about if there are about 4, more than 4, more than 8
-look for dimes and think about if there are more than ten

Counting Money:
-begin with the larger amounts (bills, toonies, loonies)
-make piles of one dollar
-count the smallest coins last

Today we discussed ways to write money amounts. We learned about the meaning of the decimal and talked about how the dollar amount is written on the left side of the decimal and the cents amount is written on the right side of the decimal.

Two Ways to Write Money Amounts

1 cent   $0.01

5 cents $0.05

10 cents $0.10

25 cents $0.25

1 dollar  $ 1.00

2 dollars $2.00

5 dollars $5.00

6 dollars and seven cents       $6.07

twenty five dollars and fifty cents   $25.50

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