Friday 10 March 2017



We will be learning about mass and capacity after March Break. If you have any empty containers (yogurt, cereal, etc.) please wash them and send them in as we can use them to support our investigations. 


Students have been learning how to research and make jot notes about a topic that is interesting to them. Using non-fiction texts, we have been learning how to find the main idea on a page and details to support it. When we return from the break students will learn how to turn their jot notes into interesting non-fiction paragraphs. 

A trip to the local library is a fantastic idea for March Break! Students would benefit from finding other non-fiction books about their topic. They can continue to make jot notes at home and bring them to school.


Today we did a fun experiment comparing the strength of a beam bridge vs. a suspension bridge. We have been learning lots of new vocabulary to describe strong and stable structures. On the Wednesday after March Break we will have a mini Show What You Know about the structures vocabulary. A vocab. sheet went home today in the Science folders.

Students brought home an "Engineering Challenge" to complete over March Break. The goal is to create a bridge using materials found in the forest. Students are encouraged to complete the challenge however they want to. Some students might draw a diagram, while others may want to actually build a bridge using materials found at home "mimicking" the forest materials. Students should bring some evidence of their completed challenge to school on the Monday after March Break.  If they build an actual structure they can bring it in, or take a picture of it and upload it to their google drive. Happy Building!

Toonies for Autism:

Autism Awareness Day is on April 6th. We are having an assembly in the morning to recognize this day and students are encouraged to wear blue. The school is also collecting "toonies for autism" to be donated to Autism Ontario. Students that bring a toonie will be given a puzzle piece to add to our school tree in the main lobby. 

Milk and Pizza Forms:

Milk and Pizza forms went home this week. These forms are to order milk and pizza until the end of the school year. They are due at the end of March. I do have extra forms in the classroom if needed. 

           Enjoy the March Break with family and friends!

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