Thursday 23 November 2017

November 23rd Update

Student-Led Conferences

Just a reminder that student-led conferences are happening tonight, tomorrow, and next week for some families. Your child has been working hard to prepare by reflecting, and organizing their work samples to share with you. I look forward to seeing you soon!

Report Cards

Report cards went home yesterday. Please review this with your child. We reuse the envelope for the other report cards this year, so please send it back to school. Keep the report card at home- that is your copy!

November Pride Assembly

This is a reminder that our class is hosting the Pride Assembly next week. We have been working hard to prepare for it! All families are welcome to attend! The assembly is next Wednesday, November 29th at 2:00 in the gym. 


Next week we will begin a new unit in math about measurement. Students will be learning how to measure perimeter. We will be learning how to use an open number line. Later we will move into exploring strategies for addition and subtraction. 

Social Studies

We are continuing to learn about Traditions and Celebrations and Early Communities. We have had some interruptions this week but will be back to learning again next week. There will be some social studies homework coming in the near future! Please watch for communication about this!


Most students have completed the Small Moment stories. Next week we will spend time editing and revising, and then publishing! 

Heritage Schoolhouse! 

Yesterday, the Grade Threes, some wonderful parent volunteers, Mrs. Garlow, and I attended the Heritage Schoolhouse. We traveled back in time to 1850. It was a very interesting day and we learned a lot. Here are some pictures that capture our experience:

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