Friday 26 January 2018

Holiday and Observances Calendar Art Work

Today I told the students about an art project that can be completed outside of school if students are interested in it. Each year, YRDSB publishes a holiday and observances calendar and calls for original student artwork to include. If students are interested they may complete the task and hand it in to me by next Thursday. Here are the details, and a couple of examples from this year's calendar.

Jan. 26th Update


This week we learned about measuring temperature, and length. Any real-life opportunities for students to measure, and discuss temperature at home are important life skills. We will continue to explore strategies for estimating and measuring length, choosing an appropriate unit when measuring, and ordering and comparing measurements. There will be a very short measurement test next Thursday, February 1st. Students took a test outline, and sample questions with them home today. 

Here are the learning goals for measuring length by grade:

Grade 2                                
  • I can estimate and measure length using standard units (cm, m), and non-standard units (snap cubes)
  • I can choose an appropriate unit for measuring length, height, width (cm, m)
  • I can draw an object to match a given length (e.g., draw a pencil that is 5 cm long)
  • I can compare lengths (e.g., order from least to greatest 30 cm, 2m, 4cm)
Grade 3
  • I can estimate and measure length using standard units (mm, cm, m)
  • I can choose an appropriate unit for measuring different lengths, heights, and distances (mm, cm, m, km)
  • I can compare lengths within a problem context Pool A is 6 m long, Pool B is 700 cm long, which pool is longer?
We will move into measuring mass and capacity later next week. 


We have been studying work created by Ted Harrison.

 Students are working towards creating a piece that shows children playing Snow Snake in the style of Ted Harrison's artwork. Students have sketched their images, and are now working to go over their sketch in crayon and later paint. We will have a painting day in the first week of February and I will ask that students wear "painting clothes". If you have a vulnerable sector screening and would like to join us please let me know. We can always use extra hands on painting days!


Liquids and Solids and Structures

We have started learning about new topics in science! 

Grade 2 Liquids and Solids Big Ideas:

  • ·      Liquids and solids have specific definitions called “properties”

  • ·      Liquids and solids can be mixed to create different substances

  • ·      Some liquids and solids can be harmful to people and the environment

         Grade 3 Structures Big Ideas:

  • ·       Structures have a purpose, a shape and size, and can support a load

  • ·       Structures are affected by the forces acting on them

  • ·       Structures need to be strong and stable 

On our first day we went for a community walk to look for examples of liquids and solids, and different types of structures. It was a beautiful winter day!

 Frozen Yogurt

Frozen yogurt orders are due on Feb. 2nd. An order form was sent home on Monday. Please pay online. If you have any questions, or require a new order form, please let me know!

Glow in the Dark Dance

The dance is on Thursday, Feb 1st. This is a family event! Watch for communication about this!

Winter Coat Drive

The Grade 8 students are collecting used winter coats for a local charity. If you have any winter coats, in decent condition please send them to school!

Friday 19 January 2018

Grade 3 Newcomers Website for Activity on Monday

Newcomer Adventure

Jan. 19th Update


If you have any graphic novels/ comics at home that you are able to bring in for a lesson on Monday please do!

In Math over the next couple of week we will be exploring mass, capacity, and temperature! 

If you have any containers like (cups, pitchers, jugs, bottles, etc.) that you are willing to let us borrow for investigations please send them in on Monday. 

Thank you!


We have our library book exchange on Monday and forgot to write it in the agenda message! Please bring your library books!


We have created our own "Snow Snakes" and have played a modified version of Snow Snake, which we call "Snow Snake Javelin"outside. Please remember to wear winter clothing to school each day as we will be heading outside for DPA, as well as math and science over the next little bit. It is a great idea for students to have an extra set of clothes, or at least socks here at school. I can easily provide a space for these things to be stored. 

Thursday 11 January 2018

Quick Update January 11th


We have started a new and exciting project in art class this week! Students are creating their very own "snowsnakes" so that we are able to play the game outside this winter! If you have never heard of snowsnake, here is a website that explains it in a simple way:

The first step was to sand our pieces of wood. Here are some pictures that capture this from today!

Tomorrow we will be painting our snowsnakes! I have asked students to please wear an old shirt to school!

Monday 8 January 2018


Happy New Year! It was exciting to see all of the students this morning and hear their stories from the Winter Break.

Tomorrow we have our first Winter Electives! Students must remember to bring their skates (preferably in a cloth bag), helmet, mittens or gloves. We will be eating snack before we go as we are scheduled to board the bus at 11:20.

We will be spending the rest of the day (before AND after electives) outside! Students are reminded to dress in full winter gear so that they are comfortable outside.