Friday 19 January 2018

Jan. 19th Update


If you have any graphic novels/ comics at home that you are able to bring in for a lesson on Monday please do!

In Math over the next couple of week we will be exploring mass, capacity, and temperature! 

If you have any containers like (cups, pitchers, jugs, bottles, etc.) that you are willing to let us borrow for investigations please send them in on Monday. 

Thank you!


We have our library book exchange on Monday and forgot to write it in the agenda message! Please bring your library books!


We have created our own "Snow Snakes" and have played a modified version of Snow Snake, which we call "Snow Snake Javelin"outside. Please remember to wear winter clothing to school each day as we will be heading outside for DPA, as well as math and science over the next little bit. It is a great idea for students to have an extra set of clothes, or at least socks here at school. I can easily provide a space for these things to be stored. 

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