Friday 1 June 2018

June 1st Update

Hansen Palooza!

Next Friday is Hansen Palooza! It is our largest fundraiser and TONS OF FUN! There is still a need for volunteers if you are available to help. You can contact me, or follow instructions from the notice below.


We spent time this week composing and decomposing 2D shapes, as well as building 2D solids with the polydrons. Here are some pictures that capture our learning!

For the rest of the year we will be exploring probability, and reviewing concepts learned this year. While we learn about probability we will be:

-using probability language to describe the likelihood of events occurring (impossible, unlikely, equally likely, likely, very likely, certain)
-determining if a game is fair and unfair
-predicting outcomes of probability experiments
-creating and playing probability games involving dice and spinners.


All students have completed their non-fiction books! They will bring their books home soon! I know that they are excited to share all of their hard work first with their classmates, and then with family and friends at home! In June we will review different writing forms learned this year. Students will have opportunities to share their writing with their classmates and receive feedback. 


In reading, we are continuing to focus on comprehension strategies (asking questions, inferring, activating our prior knowledge before reading, etc.) when we read together in class. In June we are reading a book called "Clementine" as a class. Many students are enjoying this story. This book is part of a series and is  a "good fit" book for many students in our class. 

End of Year Meeting with Mrs. Gibbs

Between June 12-28th I am happy to discuss your child's progress this year, as well as goals for next year. If you would like to meet in person, or have a phone conversation please let me know! 

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