Wednesday 26 September 2018

Meet the Teacher, Terry Fox and More...

Meet the Teacher Night

Tomorrow night (Thursday, September 27th) is Meet the Teacher night! There will be two information sessions for parents to accommodate families with multiple children. The first session starts at 6:30. The second session starts at 7:00. I hope to see you here!

Terry Fox Run

Tomorrow morning is our annual Terry Fox Run. Students should dress in comfortable clothes, and wear running shoes. We are asking students to donate a "toonie for Terry" if possible. 

Picture Day

Picture day is next Tuesday, October 2nd

Math Test

Our first math test about patterning will be next Wednesday, October 3rd. A review package was sent home with students today. Please review and let me know if you have any questions. Our  next math topic is sorting. Learning goals for each grade will be posted here soon!

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Spelling Homework and Library


Spelling homework started this week. Students should be completing a spelling activity each night. More information about the spelling homework can be found under "Homework" at the top of this page. Spelling homework is due on Fridays (students need to bring their spelling books back to school with the activities completed). Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns.


Tomorrow is our second visit to the library for book exchange. Students are reminded to bring their library books back to school for exchange tomorrow.  We always visit the library on Day 3 before gym class. Our schedule is posted at the top of this page under "Schedule". Starting in October I will be sending home a monthly calendar to help families keep track of homework, library dates, and other events. 

Friday 14 September 2018

September 14th Update

Thank you 

Thank you for completing all of the start of the year forms, questionnaire, and providing agenda money. I was impressed at how quickly these items were sent in!


On Monday we will be decorating our Writer's Notebooks. Please help your child remember to bring small mementos (pictures, magazine clippings, stickers, illustrations, etc.) to use to decorate their book.

This year we will be using binders and dividers to keep our learning materials organized. I will provide these to students that do not bring in their own next week. 

Difference Makers 

During the first week of school we spent time reading books about difference makers. We had many discussions about the things people do to make a difference-big and small, and how this impacts others. 

Classroom Agreement

"Treat Others the Way You Want to be Treated" is our motto this year. As a classroom community we strongly feel that if everyone can follow this rule, we will all feel good at school and do our best learning. 

Classroom Jobs

Each student has a classroom job. We created posters to remind us of the responsibilities in each job. Students will keep their same job for about 2 months. Later students will "apply" for new jobs. 


We have spent time in literacy discussing read to self behaviors and how to choose a "good fit" book. Each night students are expected to read at home. Grade 2 students should read for a minimum of 15 minutes each night. Grade Three students should read a minimum of 20 minutes each night. Listening to an "expert" reader (e.g., parents, siblings, other family members) is very beneficial and helps young readers to develop their skills. I encourage families to read together whenever possible. 


In math we are learning about patterning. This week students explored repeating patterns. They created their own repeating patterns, played games involving identifying attributes, and examined different patterns by identifying the core, and the attributes changing. Being able to create a repeating pattern with 2 attributes changing is a learning goal for students in both Grades 2 and 3. 

Tuesday 4 September 2018


Welcome to Mrs. Gibbs' 2/3 Class!

Thank you for visiting our class blog. Please check back often as our learning journey this year will be captured here. This blog is my main communication tool with families. I will be updating our classroom schedule here soon. It is important to know that you can subscribe to this blog so that you receive a notification when a new post is published. On the right side of this page you enter your email in the "subscribe" place. It is also important to know that this blog can be translated into your preferred language. This option should also appear on the right side of this page. Our journey has begun and I look forward to all of the exciting learning ahead this year!

Quick Mentions:

  • Agendas have not been delivered to the school yet, as soon as they are here I will send them home. 
  • Please sign and return book of forms, letter from Mr. D, and parent questionnaire at your earliest convince. We would like to have these returned by Monday, September 10th.  
  • Please do not hesitate to call me with any questions or concerns. My contact information is provided on the newsletter sent home with your child today.