Tuesday 4 September 2018


Welcome to Mrs. Gibbs' 2/3 Class!

Thank you for visiting our class blog. Please check back often as our learning journey this year will be captured here. This blog is my main communication tool with families. I will be updating our classroom schedule here soon. It is important to know that you can subscribe to this blog so that you receive a notification when a new post is published. On the right side of this page you enter your email in the "subscribe" place. It is also important to know that this blog can be translated into your preferred language. This option should also appear on the right side of this page. Our journey has begun and I look forward to all of the exciting learning ahead this year!

Quick Mentions:

  • Agendas have not been delivered to the school yet, as soon as they are here I will send them home. 
  • Please sign and return book of forms, letter from Mr. D, and parent questionnaire at your earliest convince. We would like to have these returned by Monday, September 10th.  
  • Please do not hesitate to call me with any questions or concerns. My contact information is provided on the newsletter sent home with your child today. 

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