Tuesday 9 April 2019

April 9th Update


In math we are learning about repeated addition and multiplication.

Yesterday we began by looking at a picture of a grocery store. Students were challenged to determine how many of each product without counting by ones (see pictures below). 

Many students chose to skip count, others made groups and then added the groups together. From here we will explore how grouping, and repeated addition connect to multiplication.

Today we looked at collections of stamps. Students learned about why stamps have a cost, and how many people buy a "package" of stamps. All stamps in a package are the same price. We explored different ways to determine the price of a package of stamps. 

In one picture a collection of stamps looked like this:

4   4   4              
4   4   4

Some students decided to add 4 6 times. 6 groups of 4 equals 24, so the price of the package is 24 cents. 

Some students grouped the 4s together to make 8. 3 groups of 8 also equals 24.

Another way was to look at the stamps as 2 groups of 12. 2 groups of 12 also equals 24.

Our learning goal today was to make groups, and then add the groups together. Students construct their learning in different ways. Some students are still comfortable with skip counting, while others are beginning to make the connected between repeated addition and multiplication.

Here is one example of student work from today:


Reading: As a whole class, we are continuing to read articles and books while discussing the different perspectives presented. Last week we finished reading The Tiny Hero, this week we began a new chapter book titled The Wild Robot. In small groups (guided reading groups, and one-on-one reading) we have been focusing on using non-fiction text features (glossary, bolded words, index, headings) to deepen our understanding of the text. We have also been working on finding the main idea in a text, and reviewing decoding strategies. 

Writing: We are learning how to write an opinion paragraph. After spending lots of time sharing our opinions orally, it's time to capture our ideas and thinking in writing. Yesterday we read, "Should Children Choose Their Bedtimes?" as a class. After reading we discussed some of the main reasons and examples that support the two different opinions presented in the text (children should choose their own bedtimes, parents should choose children's bedtimes). Next as a whole class we worked on organizing our ideas into an "OREO" planner. Finally, students worked on their own OREO planners to share their opinions. This week we will continue to use the OREO planner to organize our thinking, next week we will learn how to transfer ideas from the planner into complete sentences to create a paragraph. 

We have been looking at "issues" as a whole class (e.g., should animals be kept in zoos? is it right to use technology to track sharks? are self driving cars safe?). Later students will determine their own issue that they feel passionate about. They will use the OREO planner to organize their thoughts (opinion and reasons with examples to support it), and then write a paragraph. After that, students will read their paragraph to the class as a speech. 

Social Studies

Grade 2 students have been learning about a global community. Grade 3 students have learned about the three land form regions in Ontario, and have chosen one that they will explore deeper. Last week students gathered 5 pictures that represent how physical features/landform features, and climate affect humans in a specific region of Ontario/ global community. This week they are working on using these 5 pictures to create a poster that will be shared with the class.

At the end of the week students will complete a Show What You Know about our learning in social studies. There is no need to study and review at home as students have be engaged in activities and discussions here in class. This assessment at the end of the week will provide an additional opportunity for students to share their learning in this unit. 

Next week we will jump into our next science unit about air and water (Grade 2) and soil (Grade 3)


Students have worked in small groups to create a short adventure story. They will present their adventure stories through drama in the coming weeks. The first dramatic presentation will be done with puppets! If you have any extra felt, buttons, fabric, or other craft materials that will help to create puppets please send it to school ASAP. Thank you!

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