Thursday 7 November 2019

Nov. 7th Update


In math we are learning about patterns. We began by learning about what a repeating pattern looks like. We determined that the core is the part that repeats, and in a repeating pattern the core repeats 3 times. 

Next we learned about how we can label and represent repeating patterns. We could make different actions for each part of the core, use numbers, or letters. We focused on labeling our repeating patterns with letters. Below you can see examples of an ABC pattern, and an AAB pattern. 

In one activity, students worked on Choice A or Choice B to create 4 different repeating patterns. 

After spending a few days creating repeating patterns, and labelling them. We moved on to create repeating patterns that have two or more attributes changing. We learned that the attributes can belong to different pattern families. In the pattern below colour, shape, and direction are the attributes changing. The colour and shape attributes make an AB pattern. But direction is an AAB pattern!

In the pattern below colour and shape are an ABC pattern. Direction is an AB pattern.

In the pattern below, shape is an AB pattern, but size is an AAB pattern. Colour is changing but it is not changing in a pattern.

 Here are some other examples of patterns with 2 or more attributes changing. Can you label the pattern family for each attribute? It is challenging, but many students enjoy trying to solve the puzzle!


In writing, we have been busy working on our writing projects: small moment personal narratives. This week we learned about weaving setting details throughout out story, using strong action words, and making our characters talk. 

This week we started discussing connections that we can make while reading. In our poem of the week "I Lost a Tooth" many students enjoyed sharing their connections. Making connections while reading is an important comprehension strategy as it helps us think about the text in a deeper way. We also learned a special signal to share when we make a connection!

In our phonics/word study program this week we continue to learn about blends. 

Special Guests

This week we welcomed two special guests into our classroom! Mrs. Lacroix spoke to us about the importance of Remembrance Day, and about the Canadian Forces. 

Granny came in to share about growing up in Ireland. Her stories helped us understand what life was like in the past!

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