Tuesday 21 January 2020

Jan. 21st Update


In math we have been learning about linear measurement. Students are learning to estimate, and measure the length, width, and height of different objects. In the first lesson, students had to choose a frame for their dinosaur art. They used estimation, and snap cubes to help determine the best frame. The concept of perimeter (the distance around an object) was introduced. Next the students helped me determine if my baking pans would fit into my new tiny oven! Again we used snap cubes as a non-standard unit of measure. Later students designed their own fancy baking pans using paperclips as a non-standard unit. They found the perimeter of their designs. 

Today we introduced the centimeter as a standard unit of measure. We learned that the width of our pinky finger is about 1 cm. Students measured their feet using centimeters and snap cubes. We then compared the measurements. It was interesting because we noticed that one snap cube is exactly 2 centimeters so all of our measurements in centimeters were double the measurements in snap cubes! For example, one student's foot measured 20 centimeters, and 10 snap cubes. This pattern continued.

Tomorrow we will learn how to make a bar graph to show the data collected today. Our measurement unit will continue next week as we learn about the meter, and work on solving problems involving measurement.  

Visual Art

Below you can see our Dinosaur Art. I wish I took more pictures of the process but it was busy! We had read the first Magic Tree House Book which was about Jack and Annie time traveling back into the time of dinosaurs! Many students in our class loved the story, so we decided to make some artwork featuring dinosaurs. This art project had many steps as we first made stencils and then printed the dinosaurs onto backgrounds. 

Literacy, Drama, Media, Visual Art

Since returning to school, we have really focused on the reading strategy of retelling a story. We have been using a special retell planner to organize the events in the story by sketching them. Students then use their planner to "touch and retell". They point at each sketch and explain orally what was happening in that part of the story. After retelling a few stories together, students worked with a partner, and then later independently. While this was happening in literacy, we also retold a story through drama using puppets. As a class we all retold the same story in groups. The story was about which animal is best in the forest. Many students expressed that they enjoyed this. 

At the end of last week I introduced the "Retell Puppet Show Project". First we read a few different stories together. Students then chose their favorite story and retold it using the planner and touch and tell independently. Next students were arranged into groups based on the story they wanted to retell. Tomorrow afternoon we will be making puppets for the characters in the stories, and then we will practise retelling the stories through drama. Students will then create posters to advertise their show, and finally we will share our puppet shows! We will likely arrange a time for parents to come watch the puppet shows next week, I will keep you posted! 

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