Thursday 13 April 2017

Danial's Story about Wonderland

Danial wrote his personal narrative about a trip to Wonderland. We decided to share it with the staff at Wonderland. They responded to us with an email! Here is the story and the link to go with it that was shared with us! Enjoy!

Link to video about Leviathan (sent to us from Wonderland!)

Up And Up On The.........
                                  A personal narrative Written and Illustrated by Danial Ganijee

I was at the tippy top in Wonderland, Leviathan the biggest ride and roller coaster in the park! The coaster I was riding was going down the biggest drop on the whole ride! “WOOHOO!!!” Lubaina, Mom and I screamed out loud, as we raised up our hands like we're trying to reach the clouds. I looked at Dad. Dad is crunched up like a ball in his seat. He is holding the safety bar really tight! He looks like a monkey holding a branch of a tree! I hear the ride. It pops my ears! What will happen next? This is the story of my first time on the Leviathan at Canada’s Wonderland!
We are at my house, which my family shares. I got new wallpaper and I can’t describe it!  Mariya (my little sister), Mom, Dad, Lubaina (my cousin who goes to Guelph University), Shamoel (my cousin from Ottawa), and his parents, Uncle Juzer and Aunt Munira and I. We are going to Canada’s Wonderland! My parents and Shamoel’s parents are murmuring about Wonderland’s address. Shamoel and I are talking about video games. Lubaina and Mariya are talking about girl stuff I guess. “What level are you in Super Mario?” I ask. “10!” replied Shamoel cheerfully. I didn’t hear what the girls said because c’mon! Girl stuff is boring! No offence to you girls out there.
The parents interrupt us.
“Time to go to Wonderland!” Uncle Juzer says cheerfully. I promise you, as soon as Shamoel and I heard that word Wonderland we zoomed out of the house like cheetahs! Even faster than a sports car! Shamoel rips the door open, and jumps into my Dad’s car. When he shut the door, it made the sound of a sledgehammer hitting against the door. We waited super impatiently! A few moments later the adults came out of the house.
“They must have been packing the bags full of water and snacks!” I tell him. “Yup” he replied. The adults came out like old elephants! Behind them I see Lubaina and Mariya. They came out like old elephants piggy backing each other! The adults sat in their own cars. Lubaina opened the door and bombarded into my Dad’s red car. I glance at the crystal clear window. I see Mariya slam the door open, and climb into Uncle Juzer’s grey car. Now both cars are packed with people, like a snow boulder packed with snow!
Finally we are heading to Wonderland, on a clear dry road, on a normal hot, July day. A half an hour of music, looking out the window and hand games. I am more into the music, while Lubaina and Shamoel talk. I am dancing and singing. I feel like music notes are dancing with me! My Dad and Mom murmur about adult stuff. Shamoel interrupted me, and tapped my back with his finger.
“Were here!” He said with an excited squeal! He sounded like an excited dog! This made me impatient again. I must have not been paying attention when my Dad passed the booth. I stare out the window until I see a grey car. It was Uncle Juazer! Uncle Juzer’s car is so shiny that I can see our red car. I stare at Uncle Juzer. He stares at me. He makes a silly face at me! I snorted like a pig! I made the silliest face I could make. Uncle Juazer laughs at me. He looked like he laughed like a clown! Then he passed us. He went right. My Dad followed him.The parking lot was packed with cars,like a heavy bag of Halloween candy! We parked side by side. As soon as the cars stopped, I push the door open. Then follow the rest of the family. Seriously was I the only one excited!? Everyone was REALLY slow like turtles! AGAIN the adults murmur.
“Let’s go!” cheerfully said Mom. My hand clips into my my Mom’s hand.
“Will I go on the Leviathan?” I ask nervously.
“Yes you will” Mom said firmly. I smile widely. She smiles the same. I let go of her hand. We head toward the entrance. Step! Step! Step! My foot slammed against the ground. It was really quiet until we were at the entrance. We wait in line. I was shaking with fear and excitement at the same time.

The line was long as a race car track!  I saw a blue coaster. It was the Leviathan! WOOSHHH! SCREAM! I hear. Now I’m shaking with fear more than excitement. I feel something touch my back. It was Lubaina.
“Move up a little bit. You’re holding up the line!” she says excitedly. I must have been to focused on the ride I thought. My Dad handed our two bags to the female staff. She had a quick check. Oh! It’s security! I thought. ZIP! She opened up all of the zips. CRACK! She looked at our snacks. ZIP! She closed the zip.
“There you go! Have a nice day!” I stare at her like I was trying to have a staring contest with her. Then I walked away with my family. I couldn’t catch her emotion. We stop right outside the security. My Mom and Uncle Juzar take a map from the blue shelf. They look at it and plan where we were going to go. They look like pirates, searching for treasure on the map.

Now my sister is loud. She was bored the way here,
“LA LA LA LA LA we’re at Wonderland!” she yelled out loud.
“SHHHH you’re going to embarrass me!” I whisper. Now she’s quiet. I kinda feel bad.
“OK Kiddos, Leviathan is a five minute walk. Shamoel and Mariya will come with me and we will go on a ride.” Aunt Munira said excitedly. Mariya and Shamoel clench onto Aunt Munira’s hands like a magnet. I clench onto Mom’s hand again. STEP! STEP! STEP! We were quiet again.
I focused on finding the Leviathan. Finally I see a water fountain. On top of it I see a serpent, and a sign right next to it. It said “Leviathan”. I start shivering again. I see people chilling around the water fountain. I start shivering again. “OK Kiddo, we have to wait in line” Dad said excitingly. I glanced at a sign. It said “From this point on it will be 2 hours”. UGH! 2 Hours! I need something to do. I talked to Lubaina about video games but she was on her phone! The whole time I was talking! It was like she was a vacuum, sucking in whatever I said! The time really passed. I was now on the balcony. I glanced up; there I saw the biggest drop right at the front of the Leviathan. I glance up as a tear rolls down from my eye. Then another tear. Then a whole cloud of tears come down like rain.
“Is he okay?” Lubaina giggles nervously.
“Yes, he’ll be fine.” My Dad said firmly. We step in the main area of the ride. All four of us step into a queue. Each row is four seats so that works. There comes a coaster right away. The male instructor said unemotionally,
“Sit in the Leviathan seats”. I was scared to sit on the edge so Mom and Dad offered sat on the outside. We sat right in the front of the coaster! Lubaina and I sat on the inside. I slam into my seat. Once all the passengers sat in their seats the instructor said on the microphone: “3, 2, 1 have a fun time!”.

The ride starts. I freeze with fear. Then I settle. Then one second later the ride jetted onto the diagonal lift. I was too focused on myself. JUD! JUD! JUD! Was the sound the lift made. I was at the tippy top. The coaster that I was riding in is going down the drop. “WOOHOO!!!”  Lubaina, Mom, and I scream out loud as we raise up our hands like we were trying to reach the clouds! The wind is blowing my hair back! I feel like it’s going to fall off! I look at Dad; Dad is crunched up like a ball in his seat. He is holding the safety bar really tight. WHOOSH! I head the ride. It pops my ears! Oh a upside down turn! When I go upside down I feel like I’m hanging there! But the ride is so fast I barely hold on. WOOW! Their go’s a loopty loop! This one was tight! I felt like a robot doing a funky dance move! The ride leads us to the main area where we started.
“What!” I say with all my might. “It’s over!” “It’s only suppose to be like 2 minutes” Lubaina says smartly. “Oh” I say sadly. I waited two hours! TWO HOURS!!! Just for a two minute ride!! I am happy I did it. But really sad it was over. I walk as a bug to the exit. Mom, Lubaina and Dad walk as fast as a lamborghini. At the end of the exit my family is waiting for me. Even Aunt Manira and her party.
Shamoel asks me in a jittery voice. “W-w-a-a-s-s-i-t-t-f-f-u-u-n-n?”
“Yup” I reply calmly. He had a droopy face, like a english bulldog! I think he was trying to make me scared. My whole family asked me questions.
“Are you okay?”
“Was it fun?” Questions like that. My answer was “Yup” every single time for a question! I had a great time. I enjoyed the rest of the time in Canada’s Wonderland. I am know much older. When I drink water, the ‘whooshing’ sound,The sink made, (when I pour it into my cup.) I remember the ‘whooshing’ of the awesome, not forgetful day at Canada’s Wonderland, riding the Leviathan.

Image result for Canada's Wonderland LeviathanImage result for Canada's Wonderland Leviathan symbolImage result for Canada's Wonderland Leviathan

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