Friday 21 April 2017

End of April Update

Time sure is flying by! Here is a quick update to keep everyone posted on what is happening in room 311!

Black Creek Pioneer Village

A form explaining this exciting field trip went home this week! We are headed to Black Creek Pioneer Village on June 15th. The cost is $26 per student (please let me know if this is an issue for your family and I am happy to help). We do need some parent volunteers! Parents must have the vulnerable sector screening. If you need more information about this please contact me. There is still enough time to get this screening done before the trip if you require it. The form is due on May 19, 2017


We have a spelling test on Monday that will include words from sorts 7, 8, 9. The usual spelling homework is also due on Monday.

Pride Assembly

Our class is hosting this month's Pride Assembly. It is next Friday, April 28th at 9:15 am. Parents are welcome to attend! Our students have been working hard to prepare for it :)



Our class has been learning about different points of view. We are realizing that often we have similar points of view but the reasons for our opinions are different. We have had some deep conversations about topics that affect us (the environment, safety, healthy eating etc.). I encourage families to continue these conversations at home. Here are some ideas to consider different points of view.

  • Play "Would you rather" ...ask a question like..."Would you rather be a teacher or a doctor?" give an answer and then support your answer with at least 3 reasons. 
  • Read a story together and discuss different view points that the characters might have
  • Discuss all of the development happening around our community (new houses, construction on St. John's and Leslie). Try to determine the different view points of people and even animals in the community. How do animals feel about all of the new construction? What might someone looking for a house feel about the new development? People who commute to work? People who have lived in the area for a long time...

We are learning how to write persuasive speeches. Our goal is to write a speech that makes a difference. We have been gathering possible ideas for speeches. The strategy is to think of a problem (for example: students bored at recess) and then a solution (we need more recess equipment!) Next week we will be learning about different techniques for writing a speech (for example crafting a bold beginning that grabs the reader's attention). Later we will be presenting our speeches to the class!


In math we are learning about fractions. The big idea that we have focused on for the past few days is that fractions describe equal parts of a whole. Here are some ideas to support our learning about fractions at home:
  • Look for, and discuss real-life connections to fractions (cooking and baking- "How much is a quarter cup? What does that look like?"), gardening, sharing)
  • Design a pizza or a garden. Use equal parts in your design and then describe the equal parts using fractions. 
  • Money- "If we buy an ice cream cone for $2 and we split the cost in half how much do we each need to pay?"

We are learning all about forces. Today we conducted a penny slide experiment and from the experiment we began to discuss the idea of friction. Early next week we will conduct some experiments involving friction and from there we will learn about other forces. At home, continue to look for forces in everyday life and ask questions. Why do airplanes stay in the air? Why do some balls float on water?

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