Wednesday 25 October 2017

October 25th Update

Vivian Outdoor Resource Centre Tomorrow for Grade Twos!

The Grade Two students will travel to VORC tomorrow. Here are some important reminders:

-Grade Two students must bring a big healthy lunch tomorrow! Pizza will be delivered to those that order it when we get back to school

-Dress for the weather! It looks like it is going to be a nice fall day. Dress warmly- an extra pair of socks  is a good idea! *In the VORC package that was sent home a few weeks ago there was a section about what to wear.


Picture orders are due tomorrow. Whether you order online, or hand in the form tomorrow is the due date.

Math Test

On Friday we will have a math test about data management. A study review package was sent home yesterday. This will replace the math homework this week. The study package is due this Friday. 


Today in art class we created leaf art with some leaves that we collected last week! Here are some pictures that capture the artists at work. The artists were really excited to bring their work home so instead of keeping it here it will come home tonight. 


Students have been working hard on their design challenge this week. Grade Two students have been challenged to design and create a car with a working wheel and axle. Grade Three students have been challenged to work together to create a marble run that shows all of the forces that they learned about working. Friday will be the final building day and we are hoping that Monday will be the day for presenting our creations. Here are some pictures that capture some of the great design work happening in our classroom during science this week.

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