Friday 6 October 2017

October 6th Update


In science, we have been exploring simple machines (Grade 2) and forces causing movement (Grade 3). This week we conducted experiments to learn more about friction (Grade 3), and the inclined plane (Grade 2). 

We later consolidated our new learning by adding more information to our science learning wall:


In math this week we have been learning about data management. We have been learning how to conduct surveys, record results, and interpret our data (tell what we have learned.) Here are the learning goals for each grade:

Grade 2: I can create a simple survey question with a limited number of responses. (e.g., which restaurant do you like best?)
                I can use tally marks to record results.                
                I can describe my data using mathematical language (e.g., 3 more people like Mandarin than Pizza Nova)

Grade 3: I can create a simple survey about myself, the environment, or issues in our school                         and community with a limited number of responses. (e.g., how do you get to school?)
                I can describe my data using comparative math language (e.g., 5 more people walk to school than arrive in a car.)

Next week we will learn how to represent our data in graphs and charts.


We are continuing with our theme of art inspired by the environment. Earlier this week we spent time outside sketching objects found in the community garden. 


This week in reading we have practised the reading strategy of making connections. Making connections while reading helps us to understand, or "comprehend" the text in a deeper, more meaningful way. This week we made many text-to-self connections together in class. This is a strategy that can easily be practised at home. We used this framework to help us share our connections in a clear way. Next week we will be exploring different text-text connections. 

We Scare Hunger Food Drive

Throughout the month we will be collecting non-perishable food items, as well as household items to donate to our local food bank. Thank you for your support!


We are collecting cardboard (boxes, toilet paper or paper towel rolls, yogurt containers, etc.) to help us with some special projects in science! Please send these items in with your child if possible ASAP!


Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the long weekend with family and friends. We have so much to be thankful for!

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