Friday 16 November 2018

Nov. 16th Learning Update

Student Led Conferences Next Week

Student-led conferences are taking place next Thursday evening, and Friday morning. Most families in our class have signed up using Edsby but there are a still families not yet on my schedule. If you have not yet booked a time please contact me. As these meetings are "student led" it is important that your child comes with you! Please let me know if you have any questions. 

YRDSB Survey

A note went home from our school board earlier this week encouraging all families to complete  a survey. Each note had a special code to use. Please let me know if you have any questions about this. I encouraged all families to participate in this important survey. 

Movie Night

The November tradition of movie night continues this year. It is scheduled for November 29th. The event is free but families must RSVP to attend. Communication has been sent out through our school's email system. If you have questions about this please contact me!

Social Studies

We have started our new learning in social studies! A note went home today explaining some of the big ideas that we will be exploring in class over the next couple of weeks. Students are asked to contribute to our class timeline. All details are provided in the note home. Please let me know if you have any questions.

As we explore how traditions and celebrations change over time, and the experiences and challenges that newcomers to Canada faced during the nineteenth century we are grateful for any information from parents, and other family members.

Please contact me if:
  • If you would like to share about a special tradition or celebration, and how it has changed over time.
  • If you or a family member has an experience from being a newcomer (anytime, not just in the 1800s) to Canada that you would like to share.
We are happy to welcome you into our classroom, or watch a short video, read a letter, or look at pictures that you have sent in. Any contributions are greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss this with me please do not hesitate to contact me!


We are learning about linear measurement in math. Students are gaining experience with using non standard units (like snap cubes, chain links, markers), and standard units (centimetres, and metres) to estimate and measure length, width, height, and perimeter. Today we took advantage of the perfect packing snow and went outside for math! Students built structures and then we estimated, and measured the height of different structures. It was lots of fun!


Here is our poem of the week. It matched the windy day we had on Thursday and students were able to make many connections. We also continued to discuss how personification is used throughout this poem.

Students have been working very hard on their personal narrative projects. Here is a chart explaining the success criteria for writing a great personal narrative. We will spend another couple of weeks writing, and then we will move into editing and publishing!

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