Monday 17 October 2016

Classroom Economy

I am excited to report that today we started a "Classroom Economy". Here is the letter that I shared with the students today:

Dear Class,

Starting today you will get to earn, lose, and spend play money in our classroom economy.

If you perform your job and responsibilities, you will be paid at the end of each week. If you miss your job due to anything but an absence, you will be docked pay for that day. You may be docked an entire week, depending upon the circumstances.

After balancing your books at the end of each week, students “in the green” will be paid and can purchase items from the rewards list!

If you’ve entered into debt (in the red), you will have to do various activities in the classroom to earn money and get “in the green”.

Good luck!
Mrs. Gibbs

Here are the "Earnings", "Fines", and "Expenses":

Activity                                                   Earning
Arrive to class on time
Following lunch rules
Reading log complete and at school each day
Returned forms next day
Classroom job
Spelling Book at school on Fri.
Using Kind Words and Treating Others with Respect Each Day

Classroom Jobs
Activity                                                   Earning 
$5.00/ week
Lunch Helper
$5.00/ week
Hand Out Helpers
$4.00/ week
Pencil Sharpener
$2.00/ week
$5.00/ week
Chair Detective
$3.00/ week
Pick a Pizza
$3.00/ week
Board Eraser
$2.00/ week
Clean Up Helper
$3.00/ week
Classroom Library
$3.00/ week
Classroom Supplies
$3.00/ week
Caretaker of Wildlife
Hallway Police

Activity                                                   Fee
Inappropriate language/behavior/hands on others
Not following lunch expectations
No name on assignments
Calling out during class (not raising hand)
Damaging materials
Messy desk
Not tucking in chair
Forgetting materials at home (Agenda, Library books)
Personal belonging found on the floor (except outdoor shoes)
$5.00 each
Not following instructions and routines

Rent is due at the beginning of each month unless you work out another arrangement with your Teacher. *Our rent will be due on the 17th of each month.

Activity                                                Fee
Desk rental
Chair rental
Coat hook rental
Classroom rent
Sharpener rental
Extra pencils, pens, erasers
Glue stick and scissor rental

Every Friday afternoon we will "balance our books". Students will use this chart to determine what they have in their "bank account"

_______________________________________________’s Bank Book


After balancing the books students may wish to purchase a "reward". They will need to ensure that they can still pay their "rent" for the month before they can purchase. It will take some time for students to save their money. Here is an example of some of the rewards and costs. I am always open to new ideas for rewards! 


Item                                                         Cost
One Week off from Reading Log
One Week off from Spelling
Write with a pen all day
Sit Where-ever you want for a whole day
Wear a hat all day
Choose the DPA Activity
30 min of FREE TIME

This program was created by Mrs. Garlow who teaches the Grade 2/3 class across the hall! We have adapted it to meet the needs of our class. I am so excited to try this out because I see so many benefits:

-it helps with classroom management
-teaches real-life financial literacy skills
-extra math practise with addition and subtraction

If you have any questions or comments about our new "Classroom Economy" please do not hesitate to contact me! 

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