Friday 29 September 2017

September 29th Update


We are now transferring our learning about attributes in patterns to sorting by attributes. Sorting is part of the Data Management curriculum. Here are the learning goals for each grade:

Grade Two: I am learning how to organize objects into categories by sorting and classifying objects using two attributes at the same time (sort attribute blocks by colour and shape at the same time)

Grade Three: I am learning how to organize objects into categories by sorting and classifying objects using two or more attributes at the same time (sort a collection of buttons by size, colour, and number of holes)

Today we practised sorting by two attributes using a Venn Diagram. Math teams came up with a sorting rule, and sorted blocks. They then hid their sorting rule and other math teams tried to determine what it was. Here are some pictures from the activity:

Can you determine our sorting rule?


The green portfolio should come home today. Please review the first math test with your child, sign and return. If you have any questions, please ask!

Picture Day

Picture Day is next Thursday, October 5th. 

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Terry Fox Run

Tomorrow we will be participating in the Terry Fox Run! Our class will be walking/running around the track in Ada Johnson Park.

Students are encouraged to bring a "toonie" for Terry tomorrow. If families would like to, they can also make a donation to the Terry Fox Foundation online @  

The run will be tomorrow morning right after O'Canada. It will end around 10:15 am. 

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Meet the Teacher Night

Tomorrow evening (September 27th) is Meet the Teacher Night at Rick Hansen from 6:30-7:30. Classroom presentations will take place from 6:30-6:50 and then again from 7:00- 7:20. I look forward to seeing you here! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Friday 22 September 2017


We had art class outside today as it was such a beautiful day! Students created "Eco-Art" using items only found in nature (no glue, tape, scissors etc.). Many chose to arrange their art into a circle, representing a theme found everywhere in nature (circle of life). After the artwork was taken it was captured in photos. All of the materials were left in nature. Over the course of the year we will have more opportunities to create artwork outdoors!

Thursday 21 September 2017

September 21st Update


This week we have learned about growing and shrinking patterns. We have learned that growing and shrinking patterns do not have a core, they are predicable, and either increase, or decrease each time. Below are some pictures from our classroom this week that show growing and shrinking patterns. We are learning how to use a table to determine the pattern rule, and then write the pattern rule.

Can you tell the pattern rules for each pattern? 

Next Wednesday, September 27th we will have a patterning test. A study package will come home tomorrow. The practise work (in the study package) does not have to be completed or handed in on a specific date. If students are experiencing difficulty with the work they are encouraged to bring it in and I can help them. 


Spelling homework will begin next week. This week we spent time in class learning how to do the homework. Please check the homework section on this blog (the tab at the top of the page) to learn more about the program. 

*Grade 2 spelling homework will always be due on FRIDAY (beginning next week)
*Grade 3 spelling homework will always be due on MONDAY (beginning Monday, October 2nd)

Friday 15 September 2017

September 15th Update


This Monday our class will visit the library for book exchange. We will go every Day 5 at the end of the day. Please help your child to remember to bring their books for exchange!


Today your child will bring home their Portfolio (in a green folder). The purpose of this portfolio is to ensure that you, and your student are aware of their progress being made in learning this year. There is a note at the front of the portfolio that explains it more in depth. Please take the time to read the note at the front, look at the first piece of work inside, sign and return the portfolio to school on Monday. Thank you!

Spelling Homework

Next week I will introduce our spelling program to our students. We will go through the various activities in class next week. The following week will be the first week that spelling will become weekly homework. Stay tuned for communication explaining this. 

Math Homework

This week students had math homework. I will send home math homework each Wednesday and it will be due each Friday. The homework will always be based on, and reinforce concepts that we learned that week. I encourage you to work on this together with your child if possible as it is used as practise and does not have to be done completely independently. If your child does not understand this homework please have him/her bring it back to school and I will review the concepts with them. 


Thank you for helping your child to send it items for decorating their Writer's notebook! They look wonderful!


In science we are exploring movement! Grade 2s are focusing on simple machines and Grade 3s are learning about forces. One way to support your learner at home is by visiting the Aurora Public Library and taking out some books about their topic. Students can also explore websites about the topics (there are some websites listed on this blog under "websites" but I will have to update this for grade 2s). If you have any special knowledge about simple machines, or forces that you feel would benefit our learners please let me know! *The full curriculum can be found online: 

Monday 11 September 2017


Thank you for being so diligent with completing and returning the 'book of forms' and 'questionnaire'. Today an index card went home with a purple note attached. Please check that the index form is up to date and correct, make any changes, sign and return to school. Thank you!

Patterning in Math Today

Today in math we reviewed what an 'attribute' is. An attribute is the part of the pattern that is changing. Some of the attributes that we have been noticing in our patterns are:

Today students created their own patterns and their math partners tried to determine which attributes were changing in the pattern.
Grade Two students are learning to create patterns with one attribute changing.
Grade Three students are learning to create patterns with two attributes changing.

Below are some photos of patterns that students created today. Can you figure out which attributes are changing?

Friday 8 September 2017

First Week!

We made it through the first week! It was a pleasure getting to know my new students. I am looking forward to settling into our new routines and exciting learning ahead. A note went home today requesting students to bring in some items to use for creating their own Writer's Notebook. Please let me know if you did not receive a copy of this note. Here are some pictures from our first week...

Our classroom library!

Students worked collaboratively to brainstorm ideas for classroom jobs. They then applied for their top three job choices. Teams were then created and each team designed a poster to show the criteria for each job. We will keep these current jobs for about two months before we have the application process again to change jobs.

We spent our first math class developing a "growth mindset" towards learning math. We learned that not all students learn math in the same way, or at the same speed. We learned that it is ok to make mistakes in math because we learn from our mistakes! We then realized that we are all mathematicians and made posters to prove it!

A very special first art project! Stay tuned for the final creations!

Our first math unit is patterning!

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Welcome to Mrs. Gibbs' Grade 2/3 Class! Thank you for checking our class blog! I hope that students and their families had a positive first day here at Rick Hansen. I know that the first day can be chaotic as we develop our new routines. I know many things were sent home today and there is a lot of reading but here are three quick tips that might help!

1. The book of forms was not sent home today! I will send it home tomorrow. It is due on Monday, September 11th. 

2. The agenda is $5 and I strongly recommend that all students have one. Students will receive agendas as they bring in the money. If you have questions or concerns about this please let me know. 

3. I sent home a letter today with information about our class and how to contact me. Please never hesitate to contact me should you have any questions, concerns, or information that you would like to share. At the back of that letter is a questionnaire. Please fill this in at your earliest convenience as it will help me to understand more about your learner. 

As you begin to explore this blog please know that the schedule and homework pages will be updated soon.