Friday 15 September 2017

September 15th Update


This Monday our class will visit the library for book exchange. We will go every Day 5 at the end of the day. Please help your child to remember to bring their books for exchange!


Today your child will bring home their Portfolio (in a green folder). The purpose of this portfolio is to ensure that you, and your student are aware of their progress being made in learning this year. There is a note at the front of the portfolio that explains it more in depth. Please take the time to read the note at the front, look at the first piece of work inside, sign and return the portfolio to school on Monday. Thank you!

Spelling Homework

Next week I will introduce our spelling program to our students. We will go through the various activities in class next week. The following week will be the first week that spelling will become weekly homework. Stay tuned for communication explaining this. 

Math Homework

This week students had math homework. I will send home math homework each Wednesday and it will be due each Friday. The homework will always be based on, and reinforce concepts that we learned that week. I encourage you to work on this together with your child if possible as it is used as practise and does not have to be done completely independently. If your child does not understand this homework please have him/her bring it back to school and I will review the concepts with them. 


Thank you for helping your child to send it items for decorating their Writer's notebook! They look wonderful!


In science we are exploring movement! Grade 2s are focusing on simple machines and Grade 3s are learning about forces. One way to support your learner at home is by visiting the Aurora Public Library and taking out some books about their topic. Students can also explore websites about the topics (there are some websites listed on this blog under "websites" but I will have to update this for grade 2s). If you have any special knowledge about simple machines, or forces that you feel would benefit our learners please let me know! *The full curriculum can be found online: 

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