Friday 8 September 2017

First Week!

We made it through the first week! It was a pleasure getting to know my new students. I am looking forward to settling into our new routines and exciting learning ahead. A note went home today requesting students to bring in some items to use for creating their own Writer's Notebook. Please let me know if you did not receive a copy of this note. Here are some pictures from our first week...

Our classroom library!

Students worked collaboratively to brainstorm ideas for classroom jobs. They then applied for their top three job choices. Teams were then created and each team designed a poster to show the criteria for each job. We will keep these current jobs for about two months before we have the application process again to change jobs.

We spent our first math class developing a "growth mindset" towards learning math. We learned that not all students learn math in the same way, or at the same speed. We learned that it is ok to make mistakes in math because we learn from our mistakes! We then realized that we are all mathematicians and made posters to prove it!

A very special first art project! Stay tuned for the final creations!

Our first math unit is patterning!

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