Friday 15 February 2019

February 15th Update


We have been learning about estimating and measuring the mass of different objects in the classroom. We also compared, and ordered objects based on their masses. We found the mass of different objects using non-standard units (like snap cubes or counters), and standard units (grams and kilograms). From there we began learning about balancing equations (algebra). We learned that the equal sign = represents balance. Here are some pictures that show a little snapshot of the algebra that we have been exploring:

Next week we will spend some time learning about capacity and on Thursday, February 21st we will have a test so students can show their learning about these topics. Today a study package went home. 


In science, the Grade 3s have been learning about strong and stable structures. We are noticing different animal made, and human made structures in our community. We conducted an experiment to determine if a square, or a triangle is a stronger shape. Here is a snapshot of our recent learning in science. 

Animal made structure 

Human made structure

Animal made structure
Testing the strength and stability of shapes
Testing the strength and stability of shapes

Animal made structure
Testing the strength and stability of shapes

The Grade 2s are exploring the properties of liquids. They are working on making detailed observations, and conducting experiments safely. Here are some pictures:


We are learning to write lab reports like real scientists! To begin, we conducted an experiment as a class. The experiment began with a question: What happens if we mix dawn dish soap, water, and glycerin? Like true scientists, students wrote a 5 part lab report before, during, and after the experiment. Here are some pictures of the experiment:

After finishing up our first lab reports, we looked at some 'mentor texts' to determine how scientists write. We came up with a success criteria to use when writing our next lab reports!

Character Building

For the past couple of weeks we have been talking about overcoming challenges, what to do when you have a problem, and how to practise gratitude.  


Next week we have a math test, and it is a short week. We will not having spelling, or math homework next week. We will get back into our routine the following week with brand new spelling homework, and math homework continued on Wednesdays due Fridays. 

Winter Carnaval

Next week is Winter Carnaval Week! There are some exciting activities planned for each day. Please see our February calendar for details. Next Friday, February 22nd is Winter Carnaval all day! Students will need to be dressed warmly as they will be outside a lot!

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