Wednesday 6 February 2019

Spelling Words This Week


Special Spelling Work for the week of February 3rd
In school, and in life children and adults face challenges. These challenges are sometimes called obstacles, hurdles, or problems. They can happen to anyone, anytime. Sometimes people get sad, upset, or angry when they face a challenge and this is normal.
This week we are going to spend some time in class talking about challenges and what we can do to overcome them. We are going to learn about some strategies that will help us when we face an obstacle.

Spelling Words:
Perseverance (keep trying and don’t give up!)
Optimism (positive thinking “I can do this”)
Growth Mindset (I am learning and I might not know it yet, but I will get there)
Challenge (something that is difficult)
Obstacle (something that is in the way, “I can’t solve the problem because I don’t know how!”)
Grit (working towards a goal and not giving up, even when it’s hard and you feel like giving up)
Gratitude (being grateful for the good things in life)

Homework Activities
Monday: Choose two of the words and write a sentence for each one. The sentence can include the word, or just be about the word.
Tuesday: Choose two of the words and draw a picture for each one that shows what it means.
Wednesday: Practise gratitude. Write down 3 things that you are grateful for.
Thursday: Choose one of the words that you can make a connection to. Write about your connection. (For example- I might choose ‘challenge’ and write about a time I faced a challenge, or I might write about ‘growth mindset’ and explain how having a growth mindset has helped me)

Please bring your spelling books back to school on Friday.

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